The music group Cimballica was established by Filip Prechtl in 2010 when he approached five musicians from Brno. Filip Prechtl is the group leader, manager and the author of all music arrangements. His main aim is to connect popular-, classical- and film-music, to create unforgettable experience for the listener.
Cimballica brings original songs, daring arrangements, unusual music combinations, new image for the classical music, folklore and film-music. Cimballica makes a lot of cross genre music projects. Also the composition of the group is unusual and it looks like a small orchestra. The traditional composition of dulcimer band is enlarged on second contrabass and violoncello.
The repertoire is very large and Cimballica is not afraid of pure folklore and also another kinds of music. The listener can look forward to famous film melodies (influenced by Hans Zimmer or the Finnish Cello Group Apocalyptica) as well.
Despite of the short time of the existence of the group, Cimballica gave a lot of concerts both in Czech Republic and abroad (Music Festival in Graz, Great Britain and Vienna, where Cimbalicca performed regularly and in connection with Wiener town hall tried to promote the Czech Music.) . Last but not least the group attended two TV shows - one in Poland “Poland has a talent”, and more importantly the group participated in the Czech TV Show: “Czechoslovakia has a talent“ where the group got through the “Big Bang”.
In September 2012 group underwent big personal changes and currently is composed of the following members: Filip Prechtl – violin, Linda Finsterlová - violin, Alena Řeháková- violin, Jaroslav Vlasák - viola, Alena Tokarová- violoncello, Barbora Jagošová- dulcimer, Marek Osička/ Miroslav Tomeček- contrabass.